The response header will follow the HTTP standard where
200 OK — Request successful
201 Created — Entry created successfully
204 No Content — Request returned no content
400 Bad Request— Problem with your request
401 Unauthorized — Problem with the JWT token
403 Forbidden — Permission problem
404 Not Found — Endpoint non existent
The response body is as follow for valid request:
{ "status": "success", "data": {}, "messages":[], "action":"", "ids":[], "debug":{} }
And as follow for errors:
{ "status": "failure", "errors": {}, "messages" : [] }
Where “status” will either “success” or “failure“.
A successful request will result in a success status obviously, while data will contain the relevant information and some optional supplementary data (messages, ids and/or debug).
For create/update, “ids” will contains the create/updated ids.
“messages” : Will contain warnings or relevant non blocking messages.
“debug” : If debug is set in the request, relevant debug information will be here.
An unsuccessful request will result in a failure while data will contain relevant information about the error.