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  5. Column element

Column element

  name = "/ColumnName/"
  [description = "/Column Description/"]
  [primaryKey = "true|{false}"]
  [autoIncrement = "true|{false}"]
  [required = "true|{false}"]
  [size = "/NumericLengthOfColumn/"]
  [scale = "/DigitsAfterDecimalPlace/"]
  [defaultValue = "/AnyDefaultValueMatchingType/"]
  [valueSet = "/CommaSeparatedValues/"]
  • name The database column name. Use a the reference name in the model.
  • description It will determine if a form field is required when compiling. Is is also the caption of the form field.
  • required Use for automatic validation.
  • type The database-agnostic column type. It will also affect the behavior of the form field if any.
  • defaultValue The default value that the object will have for this column. This value is always interpreted as a string.
  • valueSet The list of enumerated values accepted on an ENUM column. The list contains 255 values at most, separated by commas.
  • size Column length.
  • scale Length after the decimal point. Applicable to type: decimal and float
  • autoIncrement Table column auto increment.
  • primaryKey Table column primary key.

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